Tennis world tour 2018
Tennis world tour 2018

tennis world tour 2018

Now if only there was a way to skip those annoying pre-serve rituals. It takes a little while to get the timing down but once you do, it feels especially satisfying when you’re able to power a serve right on the line and watch your opponent scramble to return it. This new method has you charge your serve by holding down a button (as with shots, there are different types of serves) and then attempt to release the button just before the ball has reached the apex of your toss. Tennis World Tour remedies this problem by implementing a service system that is more imprecise and based largely on feel, making it rather difficult to blow aces by your opponent all match.

tennis world tour 2018

Serves – One of the drawbacks of Top Spin 4 was that once you acquainted yourself with how the serving engine worked, it would eventually become pretty simple to have sky-high first-serve percentages that were nowhere near realistic. Hold down the button too long and the shot might go out, but don’t hold it down long enough and your shot will veer harmlessly toward the center of the court, making it easier to return for your opponent.

tennis world tour 2018

All of these shots abide by a well-designed risk/reward system that will have you hold down a button and a direction to put some power behind your shot while you aim it. Aside from that, there are even options for drop shots and different types of volleys, incorporating a strategic element that recognizes the benefits choosing the right shot type at the right time. A flat stroke will give you the most power but no spin a topspin shot will add that missing spin and be more difficult for an opponent to return a slice comes in handy when you’re on the defensive and need time to re-center yourself on the court and a lob is best employed when an opponent is insisting on staying at the net. Shot Variety – There are a handful of different shot options that you have to consider as the ball is hurtling quickly towards you and they can all come in handy depending on the situation. Then there are the cosmetic items related to your attire that won’t necessarily give you any sort of extra skills on the court but will at least have you looking your best out there. You’ll even need to keep an eye on your equipment, as it’s important to utilize rackets and gear that will allow you to boost the attributes that will help you the most in the upcoming match. There are more nuances than you might expect, with decisions about which events you’d like to attend, what attributes you’d like to improve, and cards that can be acquired and used prior to matches to give you a bonus in certain areas of your game. The mode starts slow, allowing you to learn the game as you compete in easier tournaments before gradually becoming more and more difficult as you level up and improve your skills. WHAT I LIKEĬareer Mode – Tennis World Tour particularly shines when you create a player and start out as #100 in the world in an attempt to climb the rankings and become the best in the sport.

#Tennis world tour 2018 series

It might be best, however, to temper those expectations just a tad because - even though there’s a solid core of gameplay here that can perhaps be polished further with either patches (ideally) or in the next release of a new series (not so ideally) - there are too many shortcomings, missing features and bugs to make this feel like it’s ready to compete on center court just yet. First, AO Tennis was released to lukewarm reviews back in January, and now Breakpoint Studios has brought in members of the team behind Top Spin 4 and emerged with Tennis World Tour, hoping to recover some of the same magic that garnered that previous release so much acclaim. It’s been a long wait for anyone holding their breath for a true tennis simulation to emerge on a current-gen console, but that wait has finally ended this year.

Tennis world tour 2018